International Group

The concept that BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) is something new in Brazil does not match the reality of our market, we have seen business processes being outsourced for many years

Process Outsourcing

Examples: accounting, payroll, finance. In financial institutions: check clearing, Back Office. What is currently happening is the growth of this market due to the way in which organizations are seeing, and increasingly, the focus of their executives, in other words, the organization's brain must direct its energy towards its business, leaving parallel processes, which are not part of its Core Business, to a specialized third party that takes on the responsibility for execution.

In this context, GRUPO INTERNATIONAL has been providing customized services and solutions, such as Business Process Outsourcing, to meet the needs of its clients, thus contributing to the success of the companies that have chosen us as a supplier, adding value to their businesses.

Strategic Benefits of Business Process Outsourcing

√ Focus on core business
√ Increased efficiency and process improvement;
√ Flexibility of operational demand;
√ Increased competitiveness;
√ Transformation of fixed costs into variable costs;
√ Real-time information.