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Asset Shielding


You have heard about holding several times, but still don't fully understand how it works or even understand what asset shielding it provides?

If you are a manager who wants a more effective management of your company's assets, as well as to enjoy tax benefits, understanding how holding companies work is fundamental.

It is not news to anyone that the Brazilian tax burden is a great challenge faced by entrepreneurs; moreover, the amount of issues that need to be properly managed so that everything runs smoothly is also laborious.

In this scenario, how to deal with everything effectively?
A holding company, which we can also call an asset manager, is a possibility to shield your company's assets and still enjoy better tax conditions.

This is because a holding company consists of a company that has the objective of managing the assets of one or more people from the same group.

So it works as follows:

  • The asset holding company is open;
  • The partners pay in the capital;
  • The partners are able to manage the assets more effectively;
  • It becomes possible to enjoy tax advantages.

However, although it is something that is very beneficial and, as we mentioned, has the power to shield your company's assets, it is something that needs to be done with meticulous care.

After all, opening a holding company requires complying with the legal procedures for starting a company, and it is also essential to conduct a feasibility analysis to know if this is, in fact, a suitable alternative for your business.

So, it has already become clear that having accounting support is essential, hasn't it?

The constitution of a holding company requires accounting support for several points to be correctly fulfilled, among them:

  1. Feasibility analysis;
  2. Fulfillment of opening procedures;
  3. Tax planning;
  4. Compliance with tax issues;
  5. More security for your assets.

Therefore, the accounting support you choose to have by your side is crucial to the success of your holding.

Now, we want to know from you: is asset holding something you want to implement?

Do you already have asset shielding? Tell us about it in the comments!

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